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DieAppleDie said:
We were talking about visual appeal and u just switched to gameplay
i like old school rpgs more than modern ones because i love to read a good story (thats why i love the DS)
but saying 1998 3d graphics were less appealing than SNES level ones is beyond my comprehension

have i nice day

Wrong! I was talking about the overall experience. Check my original post.

You're parading around here claiming one game is better than another as "fact", and the only reason that you can come up for this is "Because it's 3D". I'm sorry but you're going to need a lot more than just that. 3D games have their share of hinderances (some have been overcome in later generations, but we were referring specifically to the 16bit ers vs the 1st generation 3D here), and do have to tradeoff a little gameplay experience in order to be used. And that there IS a fact. Until games surpass the 2D boundaries of the TV screen, there's always going to be issues with 3D. They're still having problems with a 100% accurate camera angle in this gen!

Given the tone of your rhetoric in just this thread, I'd say MANY more things are beyond your comprehension, too.