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I can confidently and without question say that, even with the rules we have set up right now, we're still waaay by far one of the most "open" big servers out there. And the servers I've seen that are even more open than ours either suffer severe griefer attacks or have absolutely nothing of value built.

And trust me, I've seen A LOT of servers. I frequently visit other servers to see what kinds of things they've built. Most of them have pain in the ass rules set up that make it rather frustrating visiting them. No flying, if they don't have flying disabled but you're not allowed to fly, you get banned permanently for doing so. Or else you might have to pay to sponsor the server to GET the permission to fly. And they love to require you to build something AWESOMEEEZRORS in a predetermined region before being allowed to do whatever they like.

The reason I wanted WorldGuard in, though, was because we've had griefing after griefing, including a number from who should have been previously "trustworthy" players. If people can't damage things that aren't theirs, simply put, griefing can't happen. If we want to be open to more players, we need to have ways to protect people's creations. SWatchdog can do that partway, but I've seen griefers get around that before.

We're still not safe, but this way we at least won't have to deal with any major headaches or setbacks. There's no reason to get any stricter from here, at least.


Also, not making a debate over why we should keep it - just giving my logic behind having installed it. We can totally go more conservative with protection if you think we should - giving normal members access to even fewer flags, etc. I just feel that, as soon as we update on PlanetMinecraft and start getting an influx, we're gonna want these measures in place.
