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BenVTrigger said:
No just in terms of story lines its time to move on past Kratos or at least address the ending of GOW3.

This just seems totally unessary from a plot standpoint, we already fully know about Kratos past by going through the other two prequals not to mention the 3 mainline GOW games which make references to his past.

IDK just feels like Sony's treading water here just to put out another GOW game before the generation ends. Like I said I'm sure the gameplay and graphics will be fantastic but in terms of plot I'm not interested in this game at all.

Well I'm sure they wanted to do a direct sequel to 3, but that would have been too ambitious and Sony probably told them to save that for the PS4.

Who knows, they might have a seperate team in Santa Monica working on 4 right now! You know, it means no sense to start a new story(which will most likely be a trilogy) on a console about to be replaced. I'm glad this is a prequel. It lowers my expectations a bit.