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There was a time when Malstrom made great sense, and focused on Disruption and Blue Ocean Strategy. He has since become nothing more than an angry old man complaining that there aren't enough of his favourite types of games, using nonsense arguments to justify it.

It was what eventually drove me away from following his blog. Malstrom's more recent (as in, last 3 years or so) attitudes are poison. They have no real value in terms of understanding anything, and are really nothing more than incessant complaints about 3D Mario, etc.

Malstrom's current supporters keep proclaiming things like "he doesn't REALLY want 3D Mario to die", yet that contradicts his obsession with it, and his actual words. That, before 3D Land was even released, Nintendo made a point to announce that there was a 2D Mario on the way to the 3DS, speaks volumes... to everyone except Malstrom and his supporters, it seems. Nintendo has repeatedly pointed out that 2D Mario isn't going anywhere, and it is clear that they're trying to blend 2D Mario elements into 3D Mario to expand that side of the franchise (while 2D Mario continues happily). But to Malstrom, the mere EXISTENCE of 3D Mario is an affront to 2D Mario.

Before his obsession with 3D Mario, his obsession was "User-Generated Content"... which, in reality, consisted of one paid game (Made In Wario) and one free app (Flipnote), although he claimed that games like Wii Music were user-generated content (they weren't - they had premade content, and user-generated gameplay - meaning, the user defined what "winning" was, but in the case of Wii Music, they were still playing well-known songs, not making up their own). Another claim he liked to make was that fans of 3D Mario should have to put up with 17 years without another 3D Mario game, just to be fair to those who are fans of 2D Mario (as though this makes any sort of sense, and is something more than just bitter whinging).

Heck, I haven't read his blog recently, but I'm betting he hasn't even mentioned the strong rumours that WiiU will actually launch with 2D Mario. However, I'm betting at least one post has claimed, without any substantiation, that a 3D Mario will come out for WiiU before a 2D Mario. I'm also betting that Malstrom hasn't actually played 3D Land.

Of particular note is that Malstrom, around the time that Mario Galaxy 2 was announced, came up with a list of things that make 3D Mario worse than 2D Mario... every single one of them was addressed by 3D Land. One particular complaint he had was that 3D Mario was "starfinder Mario", with the stars hidden in various places, whereas 2D Mario was "get to the flagpole"... well, guess what 3D Land was, and yet Malstrom said nothing positive about this. But then, Malstrom has had little positive to say about Nintendo since late 2008... which is very close to the time that he stopped talking about disruption and blue ocean strategy.