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Final-Fan said:
Kasz216 said:
By the way, my "Go to" list of champs I own.
Solo Top - Dr. Mundo, Yorick, Malaphite, Cho'Goth, Kennen
Mid - Morgana, Ryze, Ahri, Kennen, Karthus,
Jungle - Warwick, Skarner, Lee Sin, Dr. Mundo, Cho Goth,
Ad Carry - Caitlyn, Kog Maw, Tristiana, Corki, Ashe
Support - Alistar, Taric, Soraka, Janna, Kayle

I main yordles, so: 
Solo top:  Rumble, Poppy
Mid:  Lux (not a yordle), Ziggs (I suck at Veigar), and Rumble in a pinch
Jungle:  Amumu, Poppy (my jungling experience is pretty narrow right now)
AD Carry:  Tristana, Caitlyn (yordle related)
Support (i.e. bot and not the AD carry):  Leona (not a yordle), Lulu, Poppy

I'm competent with some others, like Garen and Singed, but the above is pretty much what I'm experienced with.  Jungling is the one area where I literally only know two champs.  As for which champs I own, it's all the yordles of course, and then I have all the bottom-priced champs, and the ones in my list, and Alistar, Blitzcrank, Garen, Singed, and Zilean.  Not too many, but I haven't spent any real money on this game yet, except for a couple skins. 

Yeah, I just started jungling recently because i've found nobody wants to do it.  Trying Malaphite jungle, seems to work ok.  I spent some tip money on some champs, only bought on sale and IP, so i have quite a few... 36 to be exact.

Why the Yordle love if I may ask?  Some of them remind you of moogles?

Sent you a friends request incase you ever wanna play some lowish ELO or something.