DieAppleDie said: I recently bought the 3DS and i want to buy some rpgs for it so, which is/are the best, rpgs available for Nintendo DS? |
Available for NDS? The original DS? or do you mean 3DS? If you mean original DS, then there is too many too count, but some great ones are Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey, and the Devil Survivor games as well as Chrono Trigger, Golden Sun, Radiant Historia, The World Ends With You, some Final Fantasys, some Dragon Quests, some Pokemons (though I'm personally tired of them), the Etrian Odyssey games, and a ton others. Of them, I personally love Strange Journey and the Etrian Odyssey games and Chronot Trigger.
But if you are specifically referring to 3DS games, then there isn't a whole lot at the moment, but Tales of the Abyss is phenomenal and definitely worth getting! Also, the expanded version of Devil Survivor (Devil Survivor Overclocked) is great too.
P.S. On the topic of Final Fantasy, I'd also love to see FFXIII-3 at E3 though I'm kind of expecting TGS to be the earliest we'll see it. But I would love to see FFXV, ESPECIALLY if Hiroyuki Ito is the director.
Food for thought: Shove an apple in your brain