StokedUp said: I've enjoyed Mass Effect 3 most this year, i absolutely LOVE that franchise it is quite possibly my favorite games of all time. I got to admite i was disappointed and confused by the ending and im one person who would like them to change it, There is some mjor things that happen that i cant understand why bioware decided to do it. But the nethertheless the journey was f**king fantastic and had some of the best characters ive come across in gaming. Beautiful game even though anticlimatic. Also enjoyed Final Fantasy 13-2 alot. Good to see you got Dark Souls ROBO, amazing game, im surprised you got it for 360 as there's more online players to interact with on the PS3 version. |
Glad you enjoyed ME , about the ending , one of the problems I had with it was they weren't fleshed out enough , I know they said they are going toexpand on it , but you want that kind of information then and there not tacked on later , because after all there you are at the culmination of a fantastic journey and you want to know there and then what it all means in the wider scope of things , another thing is for a game about choices you got very little at the end , just lots of questions without answers , also and this isn't there fault most games when they end leave you some what wanting , but for the good ones it's usually wanting more , in ME's case , to me anyway I want more but they by making it at least look like the galaxy wide community is gone along with the relays, the light at the end of the tunnel looks dim in regards to future adventures post ME , sure even though there's lots of room for pre ME1 adventures I also have a feeling some of the people deep down wanted like me a scenario that makes for a ME4 , relays and all with maybe a rebuilt/building citadel , that continues on the further endeavours of Shepard in a changed milky way dealing with the aftermath and all the fallout of devistated home worlds resurgent races e.t.c .
Research shows Video games help make you smarter, so why am I an idiot