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RolStoppable said:
richardhutnik said:
RolStoppable said:
If you can't manage to sell 6k units, then you should have promoted your game better or made a better game. He should have made some outrageous statements to get himself and his game in the news.

MDK2 doesn't suck.  It is a retro title that people had fond memories of.  It is entirely possible that the Wii just is not a platform to do stuff like MDK2 on.   If you think the game is bad, show evidence of MDK2 being a bad title.

By the way, you think it be right someone not get a cent until they break a certain sales threshold?  That approach means Nintendo walks off with free coin, for not doing anything.  If you think it is right, go ahead and explain why.

If MDK2 was a good title, it would have come to the HD consoles as well, because that's how remasters of old games work. The reason why certain third party games end up being Wii exclusive is because they are deemed as not good enough for the HD consoles audiences. A lot of Wii and WiiWare third party software is that way. And if people had fond memories of MDK2, they would have bought the definitive version of the game (as the developer claims). But the thing couldn't even move 6k units.

I think it is right what Nintendo does with their sales thresholds, because third parties have proven that it is necessary. Third parties don't respect the Nintendo audience, so somehow there needs to be put in a stop to the neverending wave of low quality games. If companies know that they need to move 6k units before seeing a single cent, then at least the worst of the worst will refrain from flooding the system with trash. Let's not pretend that 6,000 is a huge number, a lofty goal, a miracle etc.; it should be stupidly easy to reach for a quality title that gets a little bit of exposure on the internet.

" If MDK2 was a good title, it would have come to the HD consoles as well, because that's how remasters of old games work "

Sorry? What? Since when? And for your information, they have released it on steam and On it has a rating of 4.5/5 from over 1000 users. I found 3 reviews on metacritic, all 8/10 or over. There is no metric by which you could say this is not a 'good' or 'well received' game, apart from a made up one. (like the one you just made up.)

I cannot believe you are arguing in defense of the 6000 sale limit. I really cannot.  

You are trying to rationalise a multinational company such as Nintendo, with billions upon billions of dollars in capital, refusing to give a small third party a single cent from their video game release, because it sold less then 6000 units on their service.

"Oh, your game sold only 2000 units? Oh, your game sold only 5999 units? Whatever, we are not giving you a cent of that money for the game you developed and released on our platform." Talk about a healthy relationship with third parties!

I recognize your quality control argument, it is the only believable defense that anyone could conjure up for this horrible business practice. How is an arbitrary limit on the units a company has to sell a quarantee of quality? 

Let me ask you, how do other donwload services manage quality control without withholding money from developers? That's right, they use a better system to determine the quality of the game. Steam and, hell even PSN and xbla seem to manage it, why hasn't Nintendo thought of a proper way of doing it? They're definitely not short on cash and they could hire whoever they want. It's plain incompetence, is what it is.