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Ail said:
SnakeDrake said:
Mass Effect 3 muitiy player on gold is damn hard I only completed 1/6 ;p

Some maps combos are real easy, some maps, noone plays them.

Basically most people are familiar with FIrebase White and only play that one on gold..

Firebase White vs geth with an engineer decoy is very easy...

Firebase White vs cerberus with someone having stasis is not bad either ( but not as easy as Geth as you can't camp due to no grapple on phantoms)

Firebase White is the only one i've beat on gold :p phantoms are easy with the right power, but Atlus takes forever to take down and i'm screwed when the mission is to eliminate them as targets


Bet with gooch_destroyer, he wins if FFX and FFX-2 will be at $40 each for the vita. I win if it dont

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