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Sorry but they did the shittiest job ever marketing what was once a big name game. Nobody heard they were even making the game for WiiWare until the damn thing even came out.

Just because you are on a digital platform doesn't mean you don't have to market your game. And if you had such a passion to work with the Wii hardware and Wii remote and a passion for making the best version of your game ever, you absolutely deserve every sale you don't get if you fail to let people know the game even exists.

This is sour grapes. They knew the size restrictions before ever writing a single line of code. They knew the 6,000 unit payment requirement before ever talking with budgeting. Now they want to bitch about it all AFTER they fail to market their game?

The middle school ranting and pouting is not very becoming from such an esteemed developer.

As for Bader's Gate, Trent Oster no longer even works at Bioware and hasn't since 2009. The Balder's Gate: Enhanced Edition is just a remake of the original for mobile devices. It's not a major console title like Bioware makes.

The rEVOLution is not being televised