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Hate to be the guy that posts three times in a row in a thread. It's just that I'm still energized by the game and I really enjoyed it. I want to talk about it but I know everybody else has sorta moved on. In a way, I'm defending the game and in another, I'm criticizing it but I just wanted to throw this at you.

Remember Heavy Rain? It was a very ambitious game and an attempt to take gaming to another level. I think Mass Effect is a far more ambitious project, however. Anyway, in that game, they set it up where you could make certain decisions, interact with things in a certain way, and a ton of other stuff could happen. In the end, despite how you could change the outcome of certain events, playing the game was a very linear experience. The endings were much more diverse than the ones I hear about in Mass Effect 3 but you have to understand the situation Bioware was in.

They had a definitive story to tell and that story could branch off in many direction but we still had to be on almost the same page at the end of Mass Effect. We still had to be on the same page at the end of Mass Effect 2. We were all on virtually the same page at the end of Mass Effect 3. I don't think there could be a catch all ending that encompassed all of the decisions we made since 2007. I'm still looking at Youtube videos and the things I missed in all three games are staggering but, just like Heavy Rain, there had to be some plotholes.

I want to see what the upcoming DLC does to resolve things. Personally, I bet that the DLC will do more harm than good because it will take something that was semi unique in this industry and turn it into something commercial. It's going to go from being that "cool Indie Movie" and end up being that "Feel good summer movie". I like the ambiguous ending. It's a little haunting and scary, plotholes and all. Let Gears of War 3 give us the fairy tale ending. I like the cerebral ending ME3 gave. If it were cliche and happy, would we be talking about it right now?