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Who would you invite to a dinner party from the gaming universe? My 5 would be as follows


Princess Toadstool. (Mario)

I'd be interested to ask her about her security arrangments and whether she felt they were sufficent considering she's always getting kidnapped, also I'd want to know whether she and Mario have ever, you know...


Scorpion ( Mortal Kombat)

The ultimate anti hero of the MK universe. Why was he killed by Sub-Zero? Why did he not want to appear in the original MK3? Whats hell like in the summer? So many questions to ask.


Travis Touchdown (No More Hreoes)

A cool character. So many questions to ask him about Jeanie and where can I get a Beam Katana?


Kane (Command & Conquer)

The original bad bald guy with a goatee himself. My favourite bad guy.


Jill Vallentine (Resident Evil)

Have you seen her ass in RE Revelations? Enough said lol.