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Euphoria14 said:
Euphoria14 said:

If it is not determined then it has to be random. Otherwise it would be determined!

Why can't it just be that those "random acts" were in fact acts of free will? Why can't it be that those 'determined" acts were also acts of free will?

To me it just sounds like you use something you can grasp an argument around and claiming it as predetermined and everything you have no answer for you simply shrug your shoulders and say "Well, I have no idea, so let's just call it random". :-

It has to be random if it's not determined, that is the basic logic I'm talking about.

And the free will cannot be random or determined if it wants to remain free.

I decide to walk out of work in the next 2 minutes and walking to my car I just decide to freak the fuck out and scream and run like an idiot.


Who makes that decision? You do know I can do that if I want to right?

Good point man.



This is a difficult question no matter how you look at it, and I don't think it can be proven or disproven in a simple way too be honest, but I'm going with the "Free will is real" camp, even though I also believe in set patterns.