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I am trying to avoid political discussions, and get into partisan spin things.  I have been noted for posting stuff on here regarding income inequality, the poor and so on.  Ends up people do things by party lines and stand ground.  I swore it off.  However, I ran into this article about the White Supremist shooter in Norway, who gunned down a number of people and detonated bombs:

He says he did the acts in "self-defense".

I begin to think, beyond the obvious he is nuts, to wonder who exactly doesn't end up doing acts of aggression because they think they are threatened in some capacity.  Whether it be wars, or use of lethal force or even the "stand your ground" case in Florida, what the individual from Norway did seems to be a norm.  Maybe I am wrong, but volience seems to be what people use to "even the odds" either to pay back for harm they did, or preemptively strike to protect themselves, or their lifestyle.  Maybe I am missing something.  Anyone else here know of examples otherwise?