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Username2324 said:

Ummm..... Last time I checked, Framerates having nothing to do with the time it takes for your mouse/keyboard to send info to your processor. You get that jerkiness at lower framerates because your computer has to compensate for how fast your trying to move, and how fast your frames are going by. I mean a game running at 500 fps, doesnt mean your reaction time is 5 times faster than that of a game at 100.

Actually, it does have an effect on your response time, for two reasons.

1) The game's physics/AI/entity processing engine often (not always) runs at the same rate as the framerate.  The game reads the controller, then applies those movements to your character and runs the AI scripts and physics, then draws the screen.  If the game can only do this 12 times per second, then it's only reading controller inputs 12 times per second.

2) You react to the game based primarily on what you see.  If the game's framerate is only 12 frames per second, then what you're seeing on the screen is what happened 1/12 of a second ago.  This problem is eliminated once your framerate goes above your monitor's refresh rate, but anything below 60 fps is definitely below your refresh rate.