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Pemalite said:
To add to that... Microsoft also had a hand in developing the PS3's graphics chip.
The GPU inside the PS3 is of an nVidia design which actually adheres to the Direct X standard.
AMD, nVidia and other companies actually communicate with Microsoft on various levels about new standards and features that go into Direct X.
In-turn nVidia and AMD get to share each others (And Microsoft's) technologies and make it a standard in their hardware as it's supported in Direct X, the API that 99% of PC games use.

So thank Microsoft for assisting the PS3 in some way for it's graphical capabilities.

As for competition... Hell yes is it good.
The worst thing about these Billion dollar companies is if they have a market cornered... They sit on their lorrels and stagnate with less features, higher prices. Ultimately consumers end up worst off.
No, Sony or Microsoft will not send you flowers and cake if they were the only company in the console market and you bought their products. They would *milk* you for all it's worth.
Why people favor one company over the other... I'll never know, they don't actually care about you as an individual, but they do care about your money.

The Xbox has been a success for Microsoft, it's made them money, they will release a successor, nothing but success for a company where their main goal is to make money and please shareholders. - Microsoft, Nintendo and Sony are exactly the same in that respect.

What nonsense , MS had no hand in the PS3's GPU , the DX argument is irrelevant , for many reasons one being PS3 uses Open GL , that according to nvidia's developer site is the worlds most used api , plus if you used your argument you could say Sony was responsible for the 360's CPU seeing IBM used a variant of the cell architecture to produce its cores , the truth of the matter is MS is responsible for their product , just has Sony is for theirs , I remember bill Gates talking about the success of the PS1 and how the market had grown  and video gaming at that time was well on the way to becoming the biggest thing in entertainment, and since MS was hamstrung with the way the  PC market worked in regards to hardware ownership , becoming a console manufacturer was the best way of getting some of that pie and  with their background , creating a PC in a box was a no brainer , yes they have had the good and bad since becoming a console maker and still haven't made up  completely all their losses from the original X box through , but that doesn't matter any more because that paid for them to now be  entrenched in the business , profitable with a good stable income stream through live, plus anyway  they will eventually see every dollar back and more .

Research shows Video games  help make you smarter, so why am I an idiot