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Wow, the PS3 was so close to the X360 in 2009 in NA. I still remember the first half of 2010 when the PS3 & X360 were going neck & neck in that region. Then E3 came and the X360 took off and never looked back. The year changed dramtically after that with the 360 S and Kinect hype. Amazing how those things managed to fight off the X360's decceleration and propel it far above the PS3. Ps3 would have probably began to match/beat the X360 in NA from 2010 onwards if it wasn't for those two. Things would be a lot different now, I think. Amazing how much Xbox really took off in NA ever since that year. Excellent planning by Microsoft.

Also, excellent durability by the PS3. If it keeps going at this rate, it'll be at 100M in less than three years!

I remember those days of Wii domination.The tables have definitely turned since then.