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To add to that... Microsoft also had a hand in developing the PS3's graphics chip.
The GPU inside the PS3 is of an nVidia design which actually adheres to the Direct X standard.
AMD, nVidia and other companies actually communicate with Microsoft on various levels about new standards and features that go into Direct X.
In-turn nVidia and AMD get to share each others (And Microsoft's) technologies and make it a standard in their hardware as it's supported in Direct X, the API that 99% of PC games use.

So thank Microsoft for assisting the PS3 in some way for it's graphical capabilities.

As for competition... Hell yes is it good.
The worst thing about these Billion dollar companies is if they have a market cornered... They sit on their lorrels and stagnate with less features, higher prices. Ultimately consumers end up worst off.
No, Sony or Microsoft will not send you flowers and cake if they were the only company in the console market and you bought their products. They would *milk* you for all it's worth.
Why people favor one company over the other... I'll never know, they don't actually care about you as an individual, but they do care about your money.

The Xbox has been a success for Microsoft, it's made them money, they will release a successor, nothing but success for a company where their main goal is to make money and please shareholders. - Microsoft, Nintendo and Sony are exactly the same in that respect.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--