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happydolphin said:
archbrix said:
Player1x3 said:
archbrix said:
Player1x3 said:
archbrix said:

Nobody is denying the PS2's stellar sales, 3rd party support, or staying power in the market.  But when you said "business wise", we assume you mean as a profitable endeavor for the company.  And in that respect the Wii definitely beats the PS2.

I doubt that. I believe most of Nintendo s profits came from insanely high DS sales, very successful wii accessories, and very very VERY successful software, Wii's hardware profits had little to do with it. Sony however, is a hardcore hardware company and their 1st party wasn't as strong as today so their profits relay mostly on their hardware

I'm not taking the DS profits into consideration, just the Wii alone...

Wii Fit (the balance board), Wii accessories, games, etc are part of the profits concerning the Wii, same as the PS2's controllers, accessories, and games are to PS2.  It is erroneous to compare only harware, but for the sake of argument, let's compare:  The PS2 hardware sold at a loss at launch (I've seen conflicting reports as to how much; some say over $100 per unit, others as low as $50).  In any case, the Wii hardware has been pure profit for Nintendo since day 1.  Use logic:  In the discussion between you and Viper1, you even conceded that the PS2, while still out-profiting the GC, didn't do so nearly as much as you thought.  Now factor in how much more profitable the Wii hardware has been for Nintendo than the GC hardware...

Wii definitely beats PS2 in profit, no question.  You would be incorrect to assume otherwise.

You would have saved yourself a lot more time if you read the part of my post where i said ''hardware alone''. That means NO accessories, NO game add-ons, NO software of any kind <---- and that's where nintendo made most of its profits. Not to mention, DS was selling like 300-400k per week back then. And Sony has been profiting from PS2 for almost 10 years now. And the profit Nintendo made during PS2 era, GC hardware alone accounted for only 10% of that MAX. Most money came from GBA, GameBoy, Pokemon sales and GC software

You would have saved yourself a lot of time if you had read my post more carefully...

I did address hardware alone... and Wii comes out ahead in profit.

Basic logic, at times too hard to grasp.

I know, right?  I mean, it's not exactly quantum physics... :P