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Most Dissappointing, well...

Worst would be either skyrim or oblivion but I expected them to be bad so they were not really disappointing, but more living up to expectation, Most disappointing would have to be Dragon Age origins. it was hyped up to be a spiritual successor to one of the greatest WRPGS of all time(imo), Baldurs Gate 2 (PC). But instead it was a sickeningly generic, simplified & bug ridden nightmare. It was as if someone had taken Tolkiens castoffs from the trash bin when he was writing lord of the rings and turned it into the dullest thing imaginable (not just in story but in colour palette & concept too) and it ably proved that without licenses bioware were simply unable to write any sort of compelling mythos or tales within said mythos, stick to D&D & (dare I say it, as I dont like space sci fi at all) star wars games guys.

By far my personal biggest gaming disappointment.


Favourite Games of 2013 1.Tomb Raider(PS3) 2.Atelier Ayesha(PS3) 3.Virtues Last Reward (Vita)