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@stokedup, i think its fair to say e3
i hope tri-ace shows off there next console project, which i hope is another star ocean game at e3.
the only game i wana see at e3 would be : lost odyssey 2, which i know wont happen. i hope square-enix shows off more footage and info about ff10 hd, also i wouldnt be suprised to see them announce it for the wii u or the xbox 360. since they said many times, that all future games from them will be on more systems then just playstations.
i also think square-enix knows they have too show alot of footage and info for versus 13 at e3 or they should cancel it. its becoming the new duke nukem forever in terms of dev time.
what game would make u very happy to see shown off at e3 this year?

Id also love to see another Star Ocean, ive only ever played Star ocean 4:the last hope but i MASSIVLEY enjoyed it. I'd also like more info on Fortnite and Tomb Raider. id like to see whether square enix are going to stun us all with FF13-3 because ive got a feeling it could happen. id like to see what this "project ogre" is from Hideo Kojima.

one thing i dont want to see is new consoles from Sony or Microsoft, i think theres still a couple of years left in this gen yet.

PSN ID: Stokesy 

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