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JayWood2010 said:
enditall727 said:
JayWood2010 said:
pezus said:
Kynes said:
pezus said:
JayWood2010 said:
pezus said:
JayWood2010 said:

Guarantee if I take a pole on preferred systems on this site sony would lead by a big margin.  Nintedno would be second, and third with very little would be MS.

Okay? Do you have something against Sony? Who would you rather see as preferred? And honestly, there are a lot more noticable Nintendo fans on this site IMO than Sony fans. You won't see many of them in this thread of course.

No I do not have a problem with sony at all actually.  I've owned every sony console except the vita and I love there exclusives this generation. I'm just tired of the userbase on this site being so bias.  I also do the top 10 games of this generation every year on this site which I had to stop because the top 10 were so bias.  I even had people try to cheat to get sony exclusives in the top 10.  And I hardly ever hear anything about nintendo on here that is blatantly bias.  I see WiiU threads which have just been ridiculous rumors.  Other than that I don't see too many nintendo threads.  I have seen people do the Vita vs 3DS competition however which is also annoying, but thats it.  

You really are just making things up. The fact that you rarely see Nintendo threads is not our problem, create some then! 

This is what I see:


Nintendo Discussion

22,663 Topics

  Sony Discussion

24,993 Topics


    Pure facts. Sony and Nintendo have almost even userbases here.

2006-2009 were dominated by Nintendo fans. 2010 onwards is a Sony fanfest. You can't use topic number, is like saying Nintendo sell more consoles now because they have sold 30M consoles more than MS or Sony.

Uh, I seem to remember a lot more Sony fans back in the day. Okay, let's do this another way then. Since he said Sony threads are by far the most popular ones.

Number of Sony threads active in the last 24 hours: 12

Number of Nintendo threads active in the last 24 hours: 23

Don't shade your vision.

Just to clear things up I said nothing about the number of threads. I simply said that this site is bias filled with sony fans.  And it shows time after time


so you dont like Sony fans? would you like this site better if there wasn't any Sony fans at all? would it be better if this site were filled with just Nintendo and Microsoft fans?


And it shows time after time

could you give me an example of this extreme Sony bias that shows time and time again that is supposedly not seen from other fans?


just curious..

No I would like to see more people not be so bias, simple as that.  Not turn everything into a competition and look at things from a bigger perspective.  These numbers show nothing at all.  Sony lost money for years on each console sold, they will not reach the userbase of the PS2, where as Nintendo and MS has gained, they are in financial trouble.  As far as them selling more consoles this year is really not something to brag about when MS is profiting and Nintendo has started to rise up as well.  While this is great news for Sony and the PS3 this should still not be a competition because there is so many other variables that people are not looking at.

That awkward moment when a person replies to my question while NOT actually replying to my question

but whatever..