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HideoK said:
I could never beat Dante Must Die Mode back in the day on DMC1. I barely got past the dogs (stupid invincibility) and I think I also got stuck on the first Nelo Angelo fight.

Some stupid dude on rated DMC and DMC3  a 4 because he beat them back on ps2 so he knew what to do for the hd version.....

Same dude gave Bayonetta a 7..........( and there is no way Bayonetta is harder than DMC, even less than DMC3...)

That's like giving NGS2  a 4 on PS3 because you already beat it on the 360...

Right now I would rank it 7.5, but I'm pretty sure as I advance into DMD it will become a 8 at least ( I can't go higher as I know DMC3 is a lot harder...).

PS : I found a good strat for dogs on hard mode, got to see if it works on DMD ( I had missed some secret missions on normal so I had to do the fight 3 dogs on hard so I got to practice against them a lot............) Strat is DT + shotgun + Ifrit and shoot like crazy, it opens their core quite quickly.. I just got to hope in DMD it can kill them before they get their own DT or I am screwed..

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !