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postofficebuddy said:
Ail said:

Down to Dante Must Die mode and then DMC HD p[atinum is mine....
Going to take me a while though...
DMD is not easy.
I had a lot of trouble on mission 1 ( DT marionettes do not joke..). Breezed through mission 2 and 3 ( S ranked mission 2 and I never S ranked it on normal or hard) but now I am stucked on Nelo Angelo on mission 4. I can damage him well but once in a while he gets a hit in and it takes him like 3 hits to kill me................Getting really scared to face him again later on as the 3rd fight is a lot harder than the first one...


From my point of view this is going to be a 3 stars platinum..( would be harder but with consumables you can cheese Mundus at the end, the issue is that you can not use those on every boss as you have a limited number of them so Nelo Angelo and Nightmare are  going to be the tough part..).

Right now thankfully have saved 7 holy waters and 5 untouchables and can grab at least 3 more of each during this playthrough so it's going to be a question of when to use them...( sadly holy water does not do a lot of damage on DMD..)

It looks like you're aware of it already but prepare for pain when you get to the third Nelo fight. I "platinumed" this game back in the day and I was stuck at that fight for over a week IIRC.

Got 5 untouchables and I think  3 more  I can get this run.


I figure :

Mundus phase 2 : 2 x untouchables 

Mundus phase 1 : spam devil star..

Nightmare 3rd fight : 1 untouchable ( already gave me a lot of trouble on hard, at the end of the fight when you get his health to 0 it repops and you have to keep wacking at him and somehow you take a lot of  damage at that time..). Possibly 2 x untouchable if I have 3 left at that time as you get 1 more right after...

Nelo Angelo 3rd fight : 1x untouchable, and as many holy waters I have left. ( issue with untouchable is that he sometimes gets out of your range for extended periods of time so you can end up wasting it).

This leaves :

Nelo Angelo 1

Nelo Angelo 2

Nightmare 1

Nightmare 2

Griffon 1 ( i might to skip that)

Griffon 2

Griffon 3 ( should be relatively easy I noticed on hard air raid destroys him, sadly it doesn't work as well on Griffon 2 with his stupid pink shadow..).

+ regular fights and i bet later on some are going to be real pains with the DT timer...( I'm scared of some of the fights with Blades or Fetish if they get to DT and some of those fights have a lot of them  spawning...) which is where my holy water issues come in, I'm pretty sure they would come handy there but I need them for Nelo Angelo too...


Sadly I have red orbs to buy more consumables( not that many as they cost a fortune in DMD) but the game won't let you in DMD except if you get down to less than 3 or something ( and I think you can only buy untouchables if you have none left which is never gonna happen as I need 2 for last fight).

I'm stitting on 48 yellows orbs too ( but that can go down fast, I used 5 on mission 1, thankfully I collected 5 too).

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !