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"Maps in the campaign are designed to provide a more cinematic experience, while those in multiplayer will be geared for competitive play."

Wow, they even had to confirm that?

"The Halo multiplayer experience will remain 'intact' and will be immediately available to players."

If they by "intact" meant that it will still feature all Halo Reach elements, then fuck. I have said it before; a playlist without any armor abilities would be great.

"Halo 4 will see the return of old characters and the introduction of "very interesting" new ones."

Hmm... Keeping the ending of Halo 3 in mind, there can't be too many old characters. Master Chief and Cortana are given, then there's Lord Hood, The Arbiter and the Ops Leader... I can think of anyone else.

"Health has been changed in Halo 4. There are no more health pickups."

I'll miss them, but that's probably just my nostalgia talking. =)

"Covenant will return in multiplayer, but in a completely different form."

Interesting. It would be sweet with massive maps where there's humans vs Covenant and where the Covenant team features different species.

"The BR is a three-shot burst weapon, with hitscan. It also has bloom (recoil) that causes it to rise slightly when fired."


"Assassinations will return in Halo 4, but they will be tweaked."

Hopefully they'll be faster. The ones in Reach where very slow and made both you and your victim an easy target...

As you can see, I have mixed feelings so far. Having an epic campaign story could easily make up for all downsides though.

Are you trying to say you don't want the BR to be back? o_0