Everyone talking about Nd A's Nintendo has a ton up their sleeves that they are holding close to their chest. Nintendo knows its competitors will adapt their next Gen consoles to better compete with Nintendo. Imagine Nintendo explained the Wiimote in 2004 we would have likely seen Move day one on PS3 and Nintendo could have had a harder time. Nintendo knows both MS and Sony have already sent out kits and let developers know the basic direction. They want to hold back their secrets till E3. This way Microsoft and Sony won't likely have the time to implement Nintendo's tech. I also don't think Nintendo had the final graphical power decided till a month ago or so. Nintendo is probably hiding specs from even its third party partners we didn't know the full power of the Wii or its capabilities till right near E3. Developers didn't even know the full capabilities till a few months prior to release.
I am betting Nintendo is going.to hold the real specs and features top secret till E3. Nintendo will likely give us some more info during the NOA financial briefing but they will only tell us the bare minimum till the hardware is ready for a full unveil. Expect Nintendo to own E3 this year like they did with Wii and 3DS!
"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer