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Killy_Vorkosigan said:
Damn, people really care for trophies and e-peen ??? Roflzor, I thought I was a nolife otaku to brag on with friends back in the days by playing FZero to death to make the best time ever !!!

Now you just getting trophies by progressing to the game, most of the time I play a game I have no clue why lame achievments are popping while just killing bosses. What a useless feature of this generation. Especially when it's tied to an account that might be cancelled in a few years when sony and crosoft will shut down the servers (cf atlus' news demon's souls server shutting down...).

You sound like someone who didn't achieve very much regarding trophies. Demon's Souls is a game from 2009, the servers will be closed like many other servers have been closed. But Sony's PSN servers? Never, not as long as PlayStation exists. Even if it does, your account is still there and you can view your trophies by going to sites like