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Millenium said:

Now that's just painfull, I hope Kaz isn't too litte too late, they can't afford two more bad years.

I wonder how much PS3's can be made for that kind of money.

I wonder if it will matter though.  I mean Sony is in some hugely unfavorable positions compaired to it's competitors.

It's best chance probably would to mimic apple and try and create a "Sony Infrastructure."   Like how you can play PS3 games on the Vita... but just try and make everything Sony connect together in easy ways that make sense.

However, that seems unlikely since Sony seems stuck in the nonsynergetic buisness ways of the past where you have a bunch of branches each branch head treats as their own personal fiefdom leading to things like Sony music in non sony movies,  Sony movie characters on non sony videogame systems... etc