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Smeags said:
Pineapple said:

I think I got slightly past Prison Island before I gave up on the game. It's easily one of the games I've enjoyed playing the least, mostly because the main character (Shulk?) is incredibly annoying. He's easily the most annoying main character in a game I've played. The evil metal faced person whose name eludes me was ridiculously annoying too. And the plot so far being mostly "I want revenge on the person who killed the girl I liked" was quite horrid too.

Apart from that, it's a nice game.

I agree that Shulk's movtivation is lame in the beginning. I mean, we're on this grand adventure for the first ~30 hours because the character's motivation is to destroy a bunch a robots (I'm mad and have no actual plan! Let's kill them all!)? Definitely not the best way to start things off. You definitely notice the story start to drag at Makna Forest, just because the whole "revenge" theme is so shallow and straight-forward. Thankfully there's some subplots along the way, like the High Entia subplot before Prison Island, that keep things from getting too stale.

However, you said that you ended right after Prison Island? Because that's where I found myself actually interested in the main story again. Shulk finally stops being Kratos (You bad! I kill you!) once you realize who the silver faced Mechon is. I mean, I'm definitely a lot more interested in pushing further into the story to find out more. Before all this I actually wondered if XenoBlade would have made a better anime than a game (because let's face it, this is one cut-scene happy game...), but now I'm finally on a point in the game that I can get behind (I'm in the mountain area) and am excited to play more.

Uh, I haven't found out who the Silver Faced Mechon is. It's possible I didn't finish Prison Island, then. All I remember is deciding to stop the game unless Prison Island was interesting, and then it just ended up being Shulk screaming at Metal Face again, so I stopped playing. Mind you, I haven't played the game since a month after the EU release, which is nearly half a year now, so my memory might be slipping a bit.

You've convinced me, though, I'll play the game again later at some point. I have other games now, but when they're done, it's Xenoblade time.

Edit: No, wait, a quick check tells me I did finish Prison Island (presuming the scene with the prison island scene ends with the emperor and metal face, and the Silver Faced Mechon has a 5-character name).