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logic56 said:
Hyruken said:
logic56 said:
Hyruken said:
logic56 said:
lol at all these armchair analyst, Sony has 155 billion in total assets and a yearly revenue of 86 billion, they're aren't going anywhere any time soon, they just spend to much because of being to bloated, and with almost no communication between the divisions only adds to the problem. They problem was a lack of focus with too many arms spread all over the place, as soon as Kaz gets a handle on the TV business and get all their core divisions to communicate with each other they'll be back in the black in no time at all.

So your point is if you have assets and a revenue your alright? Maybe you need to look into companies that went bankrupt that were far bigger then Sony such as WaMu? They had over $300BN in assets and revenue of over $100BN but they went down. As did others like Enron.

What grates me more then anything is responses like this. The company has to be alright simply because it is ......... <----- enter your fav company here

Sony as a whole will not die but to quote Masaru Kato(Sony chief financial officer) "The situation is critical and we will carry out drastic reform. Nothing is sacred," Sony are going to have to appease the people they owe money to because if they don't they could pull the plug which has happened to thousands of companies and simply because it is .......<----- enter your fav company here. Doesn't mean it won't happen to them.



Enron was hit by a scandal, fraud, accounting irregularities basically, bullshit CEO's who screwed themselves, key being you can't change that

Wamu was a bank, do I have to reiterate what happened to them in the past 8 years and why??

Sony's problem is exchange rate and being to bloated, they have entire businesses that are doing fine right now, the whole of Sony is being brought down by poorly managing their TV business and exchange rate for the most part, my point these are things they can change, these are things that after reforming and restructuring can swing back

and as for the quote well fucking A, I fully agree, and in the coming years I expect to see a much smaller very different Sony than I see now and that's a good thing, it's a great thing in fact. It will allow them to be more focused and focused Sony is best Sony.

but to all the it's teh sinking ship people no no it's not...

Wow you really have no clue do you? I wish I lived in your deluded world that is for sure! Because in your world you don't seem to know what 'bankruptcy' means. It seems to be something that happens only if you commit fraud. So by that logic if the taxman asks me to do my returns and I 'changed' a few figures means all my revenues are automatically wiped out! You do realise when you run out of money it doesn't just replenish itself out of thin air? Just as saying you have £12 in your bank when really you have £10 doesn't mean they take away your £10... While reading up on 'bankruptcy' I suggest you read up on 'criminal law' because if one person commits a crime doesn't mean the whole organisation get's punished for it. That would be stupid.

Likewise with WaMu I am very curious to hear your different version of bankruptcy that is totally different to another company running out of money? Or does it not count because it is a bank and the financial problems of the world don't apply to them? Because you do realise just like a bank one of Sony's main "businesses" as you said is to actually sell finance right? Or does that not count because it is Sony and they don't follow normal financial regulations?

edit *no not gonna bother*

the point...... you missed it completely

I missed the point? I guess I did because I see no point to what you said. Just like the photo, pointless.

Where as my whole point was to show your theory of some companies are too big to go under is false.