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good to hear you ok buddy!

i remember when i was hit by a car when i was around 15, i was heading to school and was late so i ran to catch up my mates, but i didnt look proper to the traffic and step out infront of a car. it hit me in the face and kncoked me back on my ass. (funnily enough the driver never stopped) i got back up and it didnt register what just happened until i got to the other side of the road when my mates were just looking at me, it was then i realised my whole face was covered in blood and was pouring out from my face and nose. and my clothers were covered. i didnt bother going hospital i just had a week off school as my dad is "old school" and just says "you dont need to hospital just take some time off and clean yourself".

PSN ID: Stokesy 

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