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Epic Mickey 2 is NOT coming to the Wii U

Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two is in development for a number of different platforms. However, the game won’t be coming to the Wii U.

There had been a rumor about a Wii U version/Wii U tablet support back in February, but based on recent comments from Junction Point’s Warren Spector, fans shouldn’t count on any Epic Mickey 2 action on the new console.

When asked if he had given any thought to a Wii U version in the latest issue of Nintendo Power, Spector said:

“We’ve certainly thought about it. It’s a really interesting piece of hardware. Unfortunately, we were already too far into development by the time it was announced. So there’s just no way we could get it out by the time Wii U launches. I mean, who knows what’s going to happen in the future? But for right now, there are no plans. There is all sorts of fun stuff we could do with that controller, though.”