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While it is a good idea to get kids outside, I don't think a tax will really help in this case. If you are going to tax something, tax fast food. That way, people think twice about buying it.

I also disagree with the idea of vouchers that someone suggested earlier. If the private schools want more people to go there, they should take them for free, or have them pay a nominal fee. Vouchers would completely destroy the public school system, and allow the people that run the schools to make obscene amounts of money. I also don't understand the problem with public schools in general. My school is excellent, and has a reputation for lots of academic competition. I have a 4.42 out of a possible 4.5 and I am still not in the top 10%. If you want to make schools better, you increase funding, reduce class sizes, and get schools better equipment. You do not use vouchers.