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I'm so into this game right now. The world is so big and even though this is a linear story I feel like I own it because I can play at my own pace however I feel fit.

The auto fight took a little adjustment time, but soon I was using the spare button mash time to strategize my arts usage and Monado combos. The game has a lot of unmentioned tactical depth. Keeping control of your aggro and position is key to beating tough opponents. And proper usage of the encouragement system can make or break a tough battle.

Having large maps with sectioned areas is another awesome trait, being able to have a "high power" area for adventurers is great. Before the main game begins, you could theoretically level your team up to juggernaut status just battling difficult enemies. The nice thing is, these areas of harder monsters are off the beaten path. If you want to speed run the game and not mess with the hard mobsters, you can just not go exploring. But the adventurous can press their luck and be rewarded early for battling behemoths.

This game is a joy to play, I've completely gotten over mass effect 3's ending.