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As a helpful reminder

€ = ALT+0128 - EUR - Euro     :  € 1.249,99 if negative value € 1.249,99- 
£ = ALT+0163 - GBP - Pound  :  £1,249.99 if negative value -£1,249.99  (Used by other countries other than the UK)
p = ALT+0112 - Pence              :  99p - Any value less than £1
$ = ALT+0036 - USD - Dollar  :  $1,327.34 if negative value ($1,327.34)  (Used by other countries other than the US)
¢ = ALT+0162 - Cents              :  99¢ - Any value less than $1
¥ = ALT+0165 - JPY - Yen        :  ¥26,727.58  (The ¥ is also used by China for the Yuan)

If you don't know the currency symbol, then use following format:  x,xxx.xx CUR where CUR is the 3 letter currency code.