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SaviorX said:
Rath said:
Lady Gaga is the biggest win of style over substance in a long time. They created such a mass of marketing around her look, her name and her actions that people failed to realise that her songs were just pretty ordinary pop.

At least she's a hell of a lot better than Nikki Minaj though, that chick makes my ears bleed I swear.

Her and ol' Biebermiester are complete creations. Its like the labels came up with a prototypical popstar and out spawned Bieber/Gaga


There are literally teams of people out there writing, recording, mastering, mixing every word of every lyrics he's ever said. I'm not hating because hes a young male singer...I'm just embarrassed by the obvious.

while im trying not to feed you..

a bit of searching on Gagas past to when she was around 19 (years before being signed) she was down in Lower east side New york calling herself Lady Gaga performing the same way she does now. So explain how she is created? if she came to the label the same as she is now.. how did they create her?,r:23,s:0,i:113,r:1,s:0,i:67,r:12,s:82,i:31

Its so funny people run around calling Gaga manafactured when she clearly isnt.. thats why she got so famous in the first place because she wasnt a manafactured pop star. Katy Perry, Rihanna, Nicki Minaj, Justin Bieber are all creations from a record label, there wernt like this before they got famous. Infact the first 3 are proven to be creations by there label because as soo as Lady Gaga got so massive the labels dressed them differently!