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The fact that its rated the highest game ever just shows you how blind some gamers are

It's fine to think it doesn't deserve to be #2 or even in the top ten games of all time. That's perfectly fine and a valid opinion. However that isn't what is being argued. Your statement that the game isn't fun at all is what I pointed out. When not a single professional critic can give the game less than a 9/10 in a day and age where not only does it look inferior to other games on competing consoles but also harsh critics dock points unfairly to drive up hits to their websites then obviously the game is doing something right and is... wait for it.... FUN!!! Other gamers and critics aren't blind for giving it such praise. You are blind. Blinded by your own fanboy ideals which is a shame seeing as you will never be able to appreciate some true gems simply due to the console(s) they are released on.

The wii is a plague on the video game industry and must be stopped, Sony fans take up arms and destroy all the wii's.

Your words on your profile wall..... 

good game is a good game no matter the system its on.

Wise words. If only you'd actually listen to yourself and follow that motto.