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One thing motion gaming brought back is party multiplayer with people in the same living room. Elitists on forums seem to think only long single player experiences are relevant and able to bring fun to gaming. SWK doesn't appeal to my tastes and I will not get the game but I understand Selnor's comments. When I buy games like Mass Effect (which is my fav series this gen) I don't invite friends or play with my family, it's only me playing alone and have a blast.

Kinect games (and Wii games) have the ability to get people together and have fun while playing a video game.

video games =/= long single player session, no motion control, must appeal to single males...

There are video games for every tastes and if you don't like then just pass by.

As for SW fans, I never took this series seriously. I don't think anyone should. It's fantasy setting is perfect to make fun of itself.