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Too much crap and wrong infos Mr zeo 129.

As Nintendo is infamous for lowest lowtech(combined with great gameplay) you can be happy if the Wii U is close to the PS360 powersame with Ridger Racer if you compare the 3DS and the 6 year older PSP Version.

Now to some of your disinfo;
The PS1 was able to move more Polygons than the much younger N64 hardware-N64 was only saved by Antialiasing and some of the best games ever(mario ad zelda 64,KI,ISS)
(if you compare Wipeout 64 with Wipeout 2097 you will even see it)
The PS2 was by release the most powerful console,as the xbox1 was by release and the biggest Hardwarestep was made from N64 to Dreamcast.

Your "infos" are crap as the complete thread is,because all hardware-specs are only rumours.
I really hope and prey that Nintendo will built a powerfull machine with the Wii U,but believing that Nintendo will built a superior unit-lmao