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Got the game this afternoon and I am already 4 hours in...
Impressions so far:

-The game is massive, simply huge...
-Music is fabulous, simply stunning.
-Story seems very interesting so far, a very very unexpected twist to the story very early... 8o
-Voice acting is very well done...
-it seems like an item and customisation heaven. I was a little overwhelmed by the amount of sidequest, items, gears and weapons I was getting just after two hours...
-named monsters are not kidding... (died a few times)
- I saw a spider lvl 36 in a cave, I was lvl 6 so I died almost immediately... I'll be back for revenge though!

Curious fact... There is only one store selling the game here in Costa Rica, the store was closed today so even though they made (180 preorders) my friend who works there got my copy yesterday for me, so I was probably one of the very few, if not the only who got the game today ;9


3DS code: 1289-8222-7215

NNid: Menx064