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I make no claim all games are better on the Wii, just that some are and developers stand to make a huge profit by supporting it. But if a game cannot exist outside of the standard of graphics you hold the 360 and PS3 to, then is that really a game worth justifying two money pit consoles in the first place?

Say what you like, but you're doing little more than just making your own piece with the Wii's dilemma, a compromise in your mind of how things are to be. Sorry I don't agree with you, but having my own opinion aside from yours doesn't give you the right to label me a fanboy. All you've done is taken what I've said and countered the exaggeration you've paraphrased there of.

This is a game where you use the wii mote in a lightsaber fashion. Even if it isn't 1 on 1 dueling controls, its why many got excited about the Wii's motion control concept. Unles Lucas Arts fails misserably to deliver a worth while product, there is no reason why the Wii version can't arguably do the best. Unless of course you think its logical to assume the Wii version will do the worse and anyone who says otherwise is just a fanboy on principal.

There is indeed much more out there than just the Wii, however it all represents a future for console gaming I don't want. I cannot predict the future, I can only support the console I want to win. Why that makes me a fool and anyone else here on this forum who does the same not, is a mystery known only to you apparently.