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Pokémon Black & White - Piplup Event

A new in-life event has been announced for Japan. This event runs on the BW Searcher which has run for the last two years. The BW Searcher allows visitors to partake in various activities to search for Pokémon. Last year, the special event download was an Axew but this year, the event is a Piplup. This Piplup is Level 15 and has the moves Hydro Pump, Featherdance, Water Sport and Peck. Hydro Pump it can't normally learn until Level 43 and Featherdance is an Egg move. It is in a Cherish Ball with the Event Ribbon. It's obtainable in Japan from April 28th to May 6th in the Nagashima Spa Land. The Event Database has been updated with details of this event