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@Edge teaser: 99% it will be something related to 3DS.
@IGN Nintendo Revival: Metroid, DK and Kirby have recent titles. Don't need it.

Now, especulation time...
For sure I'm not the only one following or reading some parts of that crazy Speculation Thread on GAF. Today, it was posted something very interesting and supported by a Beyond3D comment. I'll do my better to write it:

What I concluded after it, is that those recent comments about Wii U being under PS360 are not lies, and it's not because the console is underpowered. Apparently, the CPU is the real "problem" here.

Make not mistake. The CPU is similar to the one in the Xbox 360, but there are 2 differences that puts above it:

- Wii U will have a DSP specifically for the Audio (something that the CPU on the X360 has to do taking resources from it).
- The one on Wii U is an OoOE (out-of-orden execution), contrary to Xbox360. To understand a little more about it:

"The key concept of OoO processing is to allow the processor to avoid a class of stalls that occur when the data needed to perform an operation are unavailable. In the outline above, the OoO processor avoids the stall that occurs in step (2) of the in-order processor when the instruction is not completely ready to be processed due to missing data."

Basically, the CPU on the Wii U could be used having more resources (maybe the ones mentioned by Gearbox) for better AI and physics.

Other interesting comment was about the Flipper (GameCube) influence in desing on Wii U. Not sure about it, but sounds like good news. Let's not forget that this console has the Nintendo seal of customization.

If a developer port a game without consideration of this features and changes, the game will not look or even run properly.

Proud to be the first cool Nintendo fan ever

Number ONE Zelda fan in the Universe

DKCTF didn't move consoles

Prediction: No Zelda HD for Wii U, quietly moved to the succesor

Predictions for Nintendo NX and Mobile