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here's a sampling of lesser known games from Smeag's Wii recommendation guide:

Blast Works - not very well known, but very fun! if you like LBP you whould enjoy it.

Mini Ninjas - also available on other consoles, a really fun, well made third person adventure.

Endless Ocean 2 - a personal favorite, there's hardly anything like it and it can't be beat when it comes to atmosphere and immersion.

Zack & Wiki - an early 3rd party gem, by no means perfect but also trully unique and with high production values.

De Blob 2 - the first was Wii exclusive, the second multiplat. Both are fun, colorful original 3d platformers the likes of which we don't see too much these days.

Kirby's Epic Yarn - the "other" Kirby game on Wii, arguably better, unarguably more charming ;)

Bit Trip Complete - a compilation of original old school style hardcore games with a rockin' soundtrack!

Sin and Punishment 2 - hardcore crazy as hell Japanese railshooting insanity from the house of Ikaruga! (the original is also available on virtual console).

Trauma Team - another game that can only be experienced on Wii, it's the best in the series IMO and definitely worth a play, since it can be found quite cheaply. (no european version afaik)

ExciteBots - better than excite-truck in every way except one - wasn't localized in europe, you may want to import it since it's quite cheap! (along with trauma team)

If you're into strategy games on consoles, give Battalion Wars and Fire Emblem a try.

on the downloadable front, I'll suggest the Lost Winds games, Art Style games, Fluidity and MotoHeroz.

Hope you find this helpful

Until you've played it, every game is a system seller!

the original trolls

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