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im starting to think this can be true, why? because long ago in the last E3 miyamoto itself said that it wont be necessary to be more powerfull than the current gen, they only want new experiences and different ways to play games like the fucking controler ¬¬, and the most important and dissapointing thing: THEY WANT A CHEAP CONSOLE TO BURST THE SALES TO MANY PEOPLE AS POSIBLE, so maybe it will finally be 250 or even 200 were only 100$ are for the fucking controler.

just search in google miyamoto wii u

if that is true then can go to fuck themselves, i want nintendo with fucking graphics and i want it now


so if you keep this in mind "NINTENDO = CHEAP" it cant be to much powerful having that expensive controler with lots of extras bursting the price and at the same time having a final cost of 250 or so leaving the value of the hardware itself to 100 or 150$ for the next 6 years ¬¬, fucking dumb


my dreams of 350-400$ nintendo console are vanishing...