Zim said:
yo_john117 said:
The ending literally cannot be the worst ending ever simply because no ending is better than an ending. You could easily say the ME3 has the worst ending in any game you've ever played which would be perfectly fine since it's your opinion (even if it's slightly wrong ) but you cannot say it's the worst ending ever because you just don't know that. As far as hype and expectations to good ending ratio go ME3 could be considered as having a very poor ending by many.
To emphisize my last point I made a graph.

I'm sorry how can it literally not be the worst? It can be it would just be very hard to test and empirically prove. In my experience though of the thousands of pieces of media I have experienced it is the worst.
Also in your graph the ME3 reality should be WAY below average game ending. Average game endings are usually at the very least consistent with the tone of the game and don't create massive plot holes. They also don't require fans to try and come up with theories to make them not dreadful, where the theories also don't fit in with the game's canon. Something ME3 can't claim.
I mean seriously think about this for a second. It is generally considered that one of the absolute worst endings anything can do is the ''It was a dream'' or some variation of it. Things like Dallas and Roseanne got utterly destroyed by critics and fans for doing it. In Mass Effect 3 fans have had to come up with a theory that basically amounts to ''It was a dream'' to try and improve on the existing ending. Us fans are looking up and trying to reach the bottom of the barrel. We are envious of media where they get 'It was a dream', even with the plot holes and so forth indoctrination looks like a well thought out idea compared to what we got.
The whole indoctrination theory would mean the story doesn't have a proper ending and would also create some pretty massive plot holes with the existing facts stated about indoctrination. It would also be totally out of character for Shep.
Also Darc Requiem I LOVE your avatar! Perhaps the only good thing to come out of this whole thing are the Maurader Shields jokes.
I already explained the graph. You just don't understand because you were in the ridiculous expectations column so of course you were let down and think it's the most shat game ever. My expectations were that it would be at least 3/4 as awesome as the other 2 games (which is my usual expectation for games) and it exceeded those expectations so I'm perfectly fine with the game as a whole.