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Well to me Nintendo's worst decisions were business related.

Not buying Rare, Nintendo never sold Rare but they had the opportunity to buy them and did not. Nintendo did not have control of the company and should have taken control. Rare was a talented developer and Nintendo got tons of amazing products from them. I don't think Nintendo thought the Stamper brothers would sell control of the company to a competitor. Nintendo was probably hoping Activision or EA or UbiSoft would purchase them and Nintendo would use its shares in the company to boost third party support and solidify a new partner. I doubt Nintendo thought that a competitor would buy the controlling shares and cut Nintendo out. That is in my opinion Nintendo's biggest mistake in its gaming history, even Virtual Boy isn't that big.

Another mistake is Nintendo's choice to not go online with GameCube. While most of Nintendo's games do not require online and wouldn't benefit. Their are plenty that could and third parties would have thrown far more support Nintendo's way. Had Nintendo entered the online space in a major way with GameCube, Microsoft's Live may not have become what it is today. Today Nintendo is still far behind I can think of a dozen games released this year by Nintendo that would have benefitted from online, I do not think ditching local multi player is smart but having the online option is almost necessary for games this generation. Example MarioParty9 just released with no online multi player we are in 2012 and Nintendo has a network where is the multi player? No excuse!

Virtual Boy, was an innovative product and a great concept it was just far before its time and Nintendo should have realized that.

One I am on the fence about is the Wii's graphical power. Personally I think it should have been slightly more powerful. At least half the power of the 360 enough power to run 720p at 30fps. This would have enabled Nintendo to retain its cheap Dev and hardware costs but at least make it more palatable. Third parties could have scaled down 360 games with far greater ease and Nintendo would likely have seen some better quality third party titles. The Wii should have had the graphical capabilities to receive ports!

Trying to make SNES:CD. It was a horrible idea and Nintendo should have known better. It resulted in Philip's CD-i and Sony entering the console market. Had Nintendo never attempted to out do Sega at a time when CD's were not a proven piece of tech we wouldn't have the PlayStation and Nintendo probably would have remained king. Sega could still be alive and who knows if Microsoft would have entered the industry. The industry would be a far different place had Nintendo not tried making the SNES:CD!

I cannot think of many more. Nintendo is a brilliant company and the majority of their decisions are perfect and intelligent. Actually all of those mistakes except for not acquiring Rare were intelligent just the wrong decision at the wrong time!


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer