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makingmusic476 said:
Kasz216 said:
LordTheNightKnight said:
Renar said:
Kasz216 said:
It looks perfectly fine to me. Guess that explains why HD graphics hold no appeal to me whatsoever as far as HD movies go.

Of course as a classic gamer N64 level graphics would be fine to me if the gameplay holds through. The only level of graphics that bug me are FF7 level PS1 graphics... undestript polygon blob men... yuck.

Give me SNES or even Atari graphics any day.

In 1977, the original Star Wars movie was released. 18 years later, the last Star Wars movie was released, with a ton of new technology advances included due to that 18 years.

Yet, given the choice of which one to watch in a movie theater or even a 50" TV, I'd pick the original 1977 one. The opening scene is much more memorable in that movie than anything shown in the latest one.

I think the same can be (not 'will be', just 'can be') the same with the Wii version if it is done right. If the controls are so good, it feels that you are really the character, using the Force and your light saber, the lack of superb graphics won't matter as much. Plus a decent story line would help as well.


I think you mean 28 years. Yet your point stands.

And it's not the tech that made those movies suck. It was George being allowed to slack off and not being forced to use his talents.

So the PS3 and 360 have some good games due to TALENTED DEVELOPERS, not due to their processing and memory.

Well to be fair I think the new versions of the classics suck compared to the older ones. Even when they look and sound better. What with the Greedo shooting first, the stormtroopers running into a large gang, Anakin being at the end, cause for some reason he was made young again too... though Ben or Yoda wasn't made young again.

Oh and anothr annoying one... rather then realizing it was silly to let Han scare the large group of stormtroopers when he runs after then screaming, they instead run into a large group of soldiers to help them.

That was one of the best comic moments in the first movie. Them going "Hey wait a minute...!"

I've never seen the remastered SW films, but they changed that seen? You've got to be kidding me.

 Yeah i think it's changed in the version that added in Anakin.  From what i remember the scene goes exactly as you would expect, until they turn the corner, to where it cuts too... like 5-6 times the stormtrooers.  It's nowhere near as funny.