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Less than a week to go before Sony announces their holiday results.

MS announced $357M in its entertainment division.

Nintendo did okay as well, Net Income - 126.5 Billion Yen ($1.2 billion)

Sony announces 3rd quarter results on 1/31.

Anyone care to predict what their gaming division did in terms of operating income?

Did the costs of the two versions of the PS3 come down enough to match their price cuts?  Was the holiday sales of PS2 games strong enough to overwhelm any losses of the PS3, if they are still sold at a loss?

 FYI, the previous quarters for the gaming division were not so good.

Q1     (29.2)Byen

Q2     (96.7)Byen

With costs coming down, tho offset by the price reduction, higher software sales being the holidays, I have to think that Sony did better than their Q2.  I'll say back down to Q1 results, of (30)Byen loss, or at 106yen to the dollar, just less than ($300M). 








Torturing the numbers.  Hear them scream.