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Yeah, pretty stupid reason to open a new thread, but yeah, it's 3:19 AM and no good decisions are ever made after three in the morning. So in spirit of no-good decisions (who would I be if I actually did well?) and the immortal words of man-bear-pig (holy shitballs!!!) I hereby dedicate this thread to vgchartzgirl. Come let us all celebrate our official mascot whose everlasting grace will embue us all with so many treasured friends that we can only express our deeply felt communion with exclamations of joy!!! Hallelujah!!! Holy shitballs!!!

For the sake of providing some discussion, let us ponder how the supernatural gifts of our fair goddess permit her to defy the laws of VgChartz and continue to establish new friends without actually signing in???

I'm going to take a safe guess and theorize that it has to involve meatballs and a coat hangar. The trick is to use the coat hangar to only penetrate the meatball precisely a half inch so as to provide the necessary support for the appendages (coat hangars) without actually pentrating the nucleus. Afterward the natural intelligence of the meatball makes it perfectly suitable to train for the purposes of subverting the site's defences and erasing all records of activity except for the new friends. Holy Meatballs!!!

How do you breathe again?